Are You Getting Remedies!!! No....But loss only!!!!
There are no material remedies to remove your bad luck from your life. You yourself only can remove your bad luck from your life. Remove all bad deeds and bad thoughts from your life, your path to the life of pleasure will appear then. If you think some stone or some astrologer can remove your misfortune then you are getting loss only. Surprisingly, astrologers, that also in India, have started taking even Rs 50,000 also for predictions from a person, despite the fact that the astrologer himself doesn’t have sufficient knowledge of astrology and needs learning and knowledge of astrology very much to predict a bit. I was surprised to see this! How it could become possible! Because you don’t have sufficient knowledge of astrology, and these so-called astrologers take advantage of your astrological ignorance.
It’s your great fault that even after getting sufficient affluence in your life you don’t utilize your time in learning and developing your life but waste your time very much in works which neither give you any satisfactory pleasure nor bring any development in your life. You get what money for what work that is not due to your labour but your luck, and from where can you get luck! It is due to your accumulated Punya of your past births that is getting wasted every day. When you lose all your Punya you are ignored at the place of your fortune, and may adverse days start to talk with you.
You are safe in this world with your sacredness and good deeds only, no one can touch you and you can walk fearlessly in the dark also. But one who lives life arbitrarily, speaks lies, doesn’t do pious deeds every day, sleeps in the daytime, sleeps at the time of Sunrise and Sunset, copulates in the daytime, copulates much, angers much, thinks much about this world, worries much, sides with unscrupulous persons and do injustice, etc is seen somewhere robbed, murdered, raped, hit, etc later or sooner in his or her life. Even, though you are not doing any good or bad work but every moment you are losing yourself, as you Aatmaa are seeing the world and not your own real form of the brightest soul. .